Masters-Marketing: Your Path to Success
Masters-Marketing: Your Path to Success


Masters-Marketing Event--April 1

Check us out!


Like what you are reading here?  For the next step, consider the following:


1. Take a seminar "Developing Your Marketing Toolkit" is a basic step into best practices in small business marketing.  Our next one is April 1 and you can sign up at Click for registration or go to

We will cover the basics of how to market especially with e-mail.

Other event that day include

 A. A "Power Lunch" featuring a small business marketing speaker, $15 will cover both "Marketing Toolkit" and the lunch. 

 B. A "Marketing Strategy: How Do I Do It?" 90 minutes session featuring group discussion and interactive dialogue to help you apply what you learn. $10 for it. 

You can attend any of the sessions.  They are all independent of each other. 


2. Hire us as consultants to meet with you and your team.  We'll get you "up to speed" quickly.  We feature a free 30 minute marketing analysis, then we will mutually decide if we are a good "fit" and whether or not to proceed.

3. Tell us what you want to accomplish and we'll design a training program just for your group. We "tailor" our approach your needs and desires.  Studies show that successful training programs include after the event follow-up.  What good is a great event if when an obstackle pops up a few weeks "down the road", people go back to their same old ways of doing business.  We help you plan for success by building in follow-up.    


Like to follow for awhile to check us out?  Please do.  Links below.



Like to Know More about Our Seminars-Details Here
When you are ready for a "next step" to master your marketing, here are some helpful ideas. Download here.
Seminar Guide-Revised.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [77.5 KB]

Added Resources:

 Constant Contact see and check out the Learning Center

  Free website on social media at

  Blog:   Note: 4-5 posts a day, toss the ones you can't use, save the  rest for later reading.

Scott McKain is America's premier resource on creating distinction by excellence in customer service.

  Books "Create Distinction" and "The Collapse of Distinction"  Sign up for his blog posts at

Betina Hind founded Pixibility as a way to teach small business owners how to use video and YouTube to market themselves.  See

Terry Brock is someone you need to know to help you navigate the world of using social media to promote yourself and your business.  See his work at


Found a resource that helps you be a better at marketing? Pass it on. We will add it.  




Matt Davidson

Phone: +1 804 2411152



Profile on National Speaker's Association Data Base:

Marketing Your Business--We Keep It Simple

LOGO Dynamics is a 29 year old company in the promotional products industry. Like many companies, when the Recession hit in 2008 revenue went down drastically. What next?  "Try e-mail" one source said. Another said, "You need a commitment to customer service".  We did both and the result has been to turn this company around. 

Like everyone else, we took a hit in 2020 and will use the same lessons learned in the 2008-10 Recession to rebuild.

Join us as we apply the hard earned lessons gained over the last 13 years.  We don't claim to have all the answers but we have learned some things you can apply to your business.   

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